Critical illness or trauma insurance allows you to focus on recovery

A life-changing illness or accident is something you hope never to deal with, but planning for such an event can reduce stress at a difficult time. Critical illness insurance and trauma cover protects you and your family in the event of such a change. The insurance is paid out if you are diagnosed with an illness or suffer an accident or traumatic incident. The most common issues are diagnosis with cancer or a sudden event such as a heart attack or stroke. If you also have permanent disability cover you will also be covered for loss of limbs or other accident that results in disability. Payouts can help you with:

  • Paying bills allowing you to take extra time off work to concentrate on recovery
  • Paying for extra or alternative treatments
  • Financial support to enable partners or family to be there to support you or a loved one, especially a child, diagnosed with an illness
  • Home modifications needed to assist with living with a disability
  • Home help or childcare needed during recovery
  • A holiday or other time out to help you and your family to reconnect after the illness

Critical illness cover can be purchased in addition to other insurance for full protection

To give yourself total peace of mind that you are protected for life-changing events, we recommend combining your critical illness cover with life insurance that will pay out to your loved ones in the event of your death. Private medical cover can also be useful, potentially giving you access to faster or better treatment.

As independent insurance advisers, we are well placed to find you the best solution for your needs at a premium that you can afford. We recommend engaging with an insurance adviser if you have never taken out personal insurance before or if your life has changed in any of these ways:

  • You’ve got married, divorced or had a baby
  • You’ve made a change to your health in a positive way like stopping smoking
  • You’ve bought a house
  • You’ve changed your job to one that pays more or is less risky than before or you have retired
  • You’ve started a business

If you currently have insurance with your bank or want to make changes to a policy such as changing an excess, it is also a great time to review your providers and policies and see if improvements can be made.

Based in Auckland, we work with clients across New Zealand and can chat with you on the phone, via email or via video conferencing. Contact us to arrange a consultation.


Get in touch for an insurance quote or a review of your current insurance policies

    ​Lifestyle Cover can offer assistance nationwide through our online video conferencing so no matter where you are in New Zealand, we can take care of you.

    Hours              Monday - Friday
                               9:00am to 5:00pm

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